Old Rabs and team parents are invited to the reunion and parents weekend October 19-20, 2018 at Michie Stadium, in conjunction as Army Beats Miami (OH). The weekend will consist of a game day practice on Friday, pre-game tailgate on Daly Field and Old Rabs will take the field at Michie Stadium on Saturday! Tailgate Tickets: $30 | Game Tickets $55. Deadline to Register Online: https://www.westpointaog.org/rabble-rousers-reunion. October 10th. Need to purchase a parking pass? [$15] - Contact Zoey Cohen, 845.446.2349 or zoe@armyfrmc.com [if not purchased within 2-weeks of gameday a $10 FedEx fee will be added.
Spirit Reunion & Parents Weekend Oct. 19-20