The book, "At War With Parkinson's Disease," written by the “Proud and Free” Class of 1973 member, Jim Pelosi describes his experiences over 18 years of research and study about Parkinson's disease in the United States, Canada and Europe. It also describes his 10 years of caring for his mother in his home in Houston, Texas from the time when she received a confirmed diagnosis for Parkinson's disease until she died. At the “Dedication" is the statement, “I wrote this book hoping that the contents might give courage and strength to those who are battling this disease and to their families, friends and care providers who are with them and who are supporting them.”
At the "Epilogue" is the statement, "I thought it important to describe who we are as human beings, how we evolved, what makes us so very unique and so very special among all living things on the planet. I thought it important also to understand in layman's terms what constitutes illness and disease, what is preventable and for what we may be predestined genetically. A person living with Parkinson's disease and fighting the symptoms and its debilitations needs help to manage and control the disease." Jim's work in international research institutes and his volunteer activities at VA hospitals and clinics have exposed him to a disproportionate number of combat-wounded veterans with early-onset Parkinson's disease which may be a result of traumatic brain injuries suffered in combat. All profits from the sale of this book are donated to combat-wounded veterans with Parkinson's disease.