Scott “Scotty” Alpaugh is an executive at one of the world’s largest wealth management companies and has worked in the financial industry for over 11 years. He served in the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division for three years before he was hurt while on a combat tour in Baghdad, Iraq.
Here is Scott's take on things people can do to address the root of the problem they are trying to solve. “COVID has forced us to be shackled to our homes and socially distanced from each other. This, among other things, has caused many of us to become spectators instead of players in our own lives. Sadly, this was a problem long before Covid. We watch social media videos, practice tiktocks, and try to ascertain the truth in the news, all the while, watching our lives pass us by. First, in order to address this, I would love to see politicians refocus their efforts to regulate social media platforms and to ensure news stations actually report the news in a bipartisan fashion. Second, I think people need to be more accepting. There is so much tension in our society right now. Families and friends are breaking up over political social media posts, things are getting cancelled faster than they are getting created, and everyone seems to be in a constant state of being offended. If we chose instead to accept other people’s differences of opinions a bit more and didn’t focus on absolutes, the world would be a better place.” Read more.