On May 16, WPAOG dedicated a new space to West Point Olympians. Located on the second floor of Arvin Cadet Physical Development Center, the display honors the approximately 100 West Point Olympians and inspires the hundreds of cadets who compete, sweat and train in Arvin every day. The Olympic Alcove donor and keynote speaker for the event, COL (R) Guy K. Troy ’46, shared his own memories of competing in the Olympics as well as his lifetime involvement with the International Olympic Committee. COL Nick Gist ’94, Master of the Sword and Director, Department of Physical Education, welcomed the West Point Olympians in attendance: Mr. Bob Dow, former Class of ’66; LTC (R) Craig Gilbert ’78, Ms. Elexa Orrange ’90, and Mrs. Anita Allen Caskey ’00. Read more about West Point’s Olympians.
Olympic Alcove Unveiled in Arvin