“Grads in the West Point Society of Singapore have been setting up AIAD opportunities for cadets in SE Asia for the past three years. This summer, two cadets did AIADs in Vietnam with Banyan Tree Group. The cadets worked with Banyan Tree’s corporate social responsibility operations and were based out of Cu Du Village, Loc Vinh Commune, Phu Loc District in Thua Thien Hue Province. This was the second year that Banyan Tree hosted cadets for AIADs. Tremendous support for the AIAD was provided by Banyan Tree’s Area General Manager, Mr. Desmond Acheson, and the Group HR Director, Mr. Timothy Cheong. Banyan Tree’s Chairman, Mr. Ho Kwon Ping, served as a senior mentor last year at the McDonald Cadet Leadership Conference.
Grads help cadets to do AIADs in Vietnam