When Colonel (Ret.) Benjamin W. Heckemeyer ’35 was a cadet, the United States Military Academy at West Point had a course in hippology, the Army had more boats than the Navy, and one of his tactical officers was Major Omar Bradley ’15. Some things, however, haven’t changed much in the eight decades since he squared corners as a plebe: he poured coffee and milk for upperclassmen as part of dining duties; he dressed in full uniform for Saturday morning inspections; and his time at Beast was absolutely “beastly.” Would he do it all over again? “With no hesitation,” he says. “I have to say that, even after all these years, my proudest moment was receiving my appointment to West Point.” Today, the Long Gray Line celebrates Colonel Heckemeyer’s 102nd birthday. Read more about Colonel Heckemeyer’s recollections as a cadet and watch an interview MAJ Ranee Rubio ’99 conducted with the living Head of the Long Gray Line.
Happy 102nd Birthday Colonel (Ret.) Heckemeyer ’35!