Intrexon Corporation, a leader in the engineering and industrialization of biology to improve the quality of life and health of the planet, announced the appointment of Lieutenant General (Ret.) Thomas P. Bostick, Ph.D., P.E., as head of the Company's Environment Sector. He will oversee the Company's strategies and programs to deploy biologically based solutions for the protection and remediation of the environment. "Intrexon's approach to address pressing global challenges through the engineering of biology has broad applications and significant potential to drive meaningful change for the betterment of mankind. One such formidable mission that Zika has brought to the forefront is the ongoing battle against harmful Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, a fight that we have been losing for decades. Combatting these disease-transmitting insects through an environmentally responsible platform represents a paradigm shift in mosquito control that is necessary to end the devastating damage this single species causes worldwide," said Dr. Bostick.
After 38 years of distinguished service to the U.S. Army, he recently retired as the 53rd U.S. Army Chief of Engineers and the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). In this position, he served as the senior military officer overseeing and supervising most of the Nation's civil works infrastructure and military construction, hundreds of environmental protection projects, as well as managing 34,000 civilian employees and military personnel in over 110 countries around the world. Lt. Gen. Bostick's responsibilities at USACE included the operation and maintenance of the Nation's waterways and ports, the regulatory permit program to protect, restore and enhance wetland areas, environmental preservation and restoration projects, the Nation's largest hydroelectric power programs, as well as emergency response missions supporting the efforts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Read More