The Oldest Living Graduate is the autobiographical account of LTG William J. Ely, who began his life’s journey in 1911 when he was born on a small Pennsylvania farm. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1933 and went on to serve for thirty-three years, rising to the rank of lieutenant general before his retirement from the service in 1966. The Oldest Living Graduate reaches its end with a brief personal status report of the author’s daily life. He chose as the final chapter’s last word a portion of the lyrics from West Point’s “Alma Mater”: “And when our work is done, / Our course on earth is run, / May it be said, ‘Well done. / Be thou at peace.’” Whether you are one who relishes reading personal histories or one who admires individuals who live with tenacity and good humor, The Oldest Living Graduate will satisfy you with its personal look at more than a century of living. The General is still very active in Delray Beach, Florida at 103 years of age.
LTG Ely ’33 Oldest Living Grad Releases Autobiography